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A little about me and some of my collaborators

My professional life stems from the decision to study Technical Architecture at the University of Seville, where I was in charge of the works before finishing my studies and thanks to this I was offered my first important work, to be the project manager of the Rehabilitation of the Hotel Salymar in San Fernando (Cádiz), from which I have been adding very varied projects to my curriculum with various responsibilities. A second hotel, a shopping center, a warehouse for a supermarket, housing developments, offices and finally a couple of luxury villas, as well as other minor reforms and works. Seville, Cádiz, Málaga, Moscow, are places that have enriched me professionally and personally, preparing me to return to my beloved Costa del Sol, where I hope to be able to offer you the best of myself, work, dedication and passion for my profession. If you place your trust in me or in any of my collaborators, the result will not disappoint you, I assure you.

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  Javier Lerga Architect

Architect with extensive professional experience, partner of a renowned architecture studio located in Malaga and author of multiple projects, most of them carried out on the Costa del Sol, as well as other national and international ones.

He has carried out a multitude of projects for villas in Marbella and its surroundings, residential buildings, office buildings, shopping centers, hotels, residences for the elderly, health centers, etc.

His study collaborates with others at a national and international level for large-scale projects, mainly in the hospital or hotel sector.

In my opinion, his greatest asset is his ability to adapt to the real needs of the client and the attention they give him, leaving in the background that ego of an artist so relevant in other colleagues. It makes available to its client its knowledge of the market, current trends and the urban reality of the place, to offer the best product for aesthetics, functionality and budget, without neglecting the client's personal taste at any time.

Svetlana Pérez de Montes
Interior designer

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Evgeni chebotura

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This is a good place to extend yourself about your company and services. You can use this space to enter more details about your company. Write about your staff and the services you offer. Tell your visitors the story about how you came up with the idea for your business and tell them what sets you apart from your competitors. Make your business stand out and show your visitors who you are.

Gonzalo mendiola

Decorator and businessman, he has carried out projects .....

Sandra Pérez-Raatgerink
Landscape Architect

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This can be you

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This is a good place to extend yourself about your company and services. You can use this space to enter more details about your company. Write about your staff and the services you offer. Tell your visitors the story about how you came up with the idea for your business and tell them what sets you apart from your competitors. Make your business stand out and show your visitors who you are.


Site Direction and Project Management

Real Estate (Land and special properties)

Interior Design and Decoration

Hotel Equipment and Furniture




Technical Architect

Passive House Tradesperson

Real Estate Agent

Landscape Designer









Costa Rica

© 2015 by Guillermo Pérez de Montes.

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